ACP solves complex problems in a variety of content areas for governments and foundations as well as nonprofit associations and institutions. ACP was formed in 2002 to take advantage of the combined skills and expertise of its Principals.
Recent ACP clients include:
826 National, San Francisco, CA
ACP is currently developing case studies focused on impact of 826 sites in each of its local centers. Previously, we conducted a mixed methods evaluation of the organization’s national youth-based creative writing program, including the eight storefronts and writing centers around the country (i.e., Boston, Chicago, DC, New York City Los Angeles, Michigan, San Francisco and Seattle). We also developed and refined the Theory of Change for 826 National, revised/aligned surveys and protocols; and wrote a case study about a book publication project by 826 Boston, based at a local international high school.

TERC, Cambridge, MA
ACP conducted a four-year evaluation of Statistics for Action (SfA), a collaborative initiative between TERC and environmental action groups in New England, California, Appalachia and Chicago. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, we evaluated the extent to which informal training in math and science helps environmental organizers and community activists to better understand and address pressing environmental problems.

Barr Foundation, Boston, MA
ACP conducted a comprehensive assessment of the health, effectiveness and viability of the Green Justice Coalition for the Barr Foundation, including a focus on network health and sustainability.

Community Labor United, Boston, MA
ACP conducted an evaluation of the Green Justice Coalition’s Community Mobilization Initiative (CMI) in Chinatown and Chelsea, MA. These projects were aimed at promoting residential energy efficiency and creating green jobs for community residents.

Boston University School of Public Health
ACP conducted a process evaluation of an initiative led by the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH), the Boston Housing Authority and the Boston Public Health Commission, aimed at improving the health of public housing residents. Using our findings, we advised the BUSPH on how to strengthen the collaboration among partners in order to achieve the partnership’s goals.

Boston Teacher Residency Program (BTR)
ACP conducted a mixed methods evaluation of BTR during a period of major policy/program changes, focusing on the impact of the organization’s model, and outcomes related to teacher efficacy. We also consulted to the organization on a new project: Transition for Teachers.

Debate Mate, Boston and UK
ACP conducted an evaluation of a pilot debate program for middle school students in the Boston Public Schools in which students were mentored by Harvard University students to debate topical issues. The evaluation focused on the impact of this debate program on student literacy and collaboration skills. Debate Mate was founded in UK and is now expanding globally, including U.S., South Africa and India.

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR)
ACP conducted a three-year evaluation of PHR’s Health Action AIDS (HAA) Campaign, based on a Logic Model we developed in collaboration with HAA staff. Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, we assesed the Campaign’s success in mobilizing health care professionals to educate U.S. policymakers about effective responses to the global AIDS pandemic.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
ACP designed and implemented a two-year evaluation of a student-led social marketing initiative aimed at reducing high-risk alcohol use among undergraduates, identifying an enabling environment within the University that contributes to alcohol abuse. We designed a Logic Model, in conjunction with key stakeholders on this campaign – including students and university administrators – that provided the foundation for the ongoing evaluation of this initiative.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
ACP conducted a longitudinal study of factors contributing to the resignation/retirement of FDIC employees, providing Human Resources leaders with an analysis of FDIC corporate culture, supervisor-employee relationships, and corporate policies and programs that shaped employees’ decisions to leave.
In addition to our work with ACP, we have worked as independent consultants for a variety of clients including:
Abt Associates
Barr Foundation
Boston College Center for Work and Family
Boston Foundation
Boston Housing Authority
Boston Public Health Commission
Brandeis University Heller School
Caixa Economica
Canadian University Service Overseas (CUSO)
Center for the Childcare Workforce
Child Care Employee Project
Children’s Hospital Boston
Community Research Initiative of New England
Education Development Center
Friends of Young Achievers Science and Mathematics Pilot School
Government of Bahia, Center for Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
Government of Maranhao, Secretariat of Planning
Government of Mozambique, Ministry of Agriculture
Greater Boston Regional Youth Services
Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government
Historic Boston Incorporated
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City
Innovation Network for Communities
Instituto de Cidanania Empresarial
Lawrence CommunityWorks
Maine Development Foundation
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Project on Women and Disability
McGill University
National Center for the Childcare Workforce
National Film Board of Canada
National University of Ireland
Preschool Enrichment Team
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts
Project on Women and Disability
Rhode Island Foundation
Strategies for Children
Tufts University
United States Air Force
Urban Institute
VSA arts, national office
VSA arts of Massachusetts
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Women’s Educational and Industrial Union